Pastoral work in hospitals

Pastoral work in hospitals − Help and support in the midst of illness

Sickness and death often make us ask questions, and they cause fear and uncertainty. A talk or prayer can help one to move on.

Hospital ministers are employees of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church working in health care. They are available for personal talks or church ceremonies. Pastoral work in hospitals is meant for patients and their friends and families as well as for hospital and nursing home employees.

Get in touch with a hospital minister whenever:

  • you need someone to listen to you
  • you want to talk with someone
  • you want silence, confession, or to receive the Eucharist
  • you would like someone to pray with you
  • you are facing difficult questions or decisions
  • sadness affects you
  • you would like someone to pray or share Holy  Eucharist for a sick or dying person
  • you would like to see the deceased with hospital minister
  • you need church ceremonies or preparation to be confirmed in hospital

In pastoral work in hospitals, each person's religious convictions and philosophy of life is respected on the basis of freedom of belief. You do not need to be a member of the church to use this service. The staff are bound by an absolute commitment to confidentiality.

There are six hospital ministers working in the hospitals and nursing homes of Espoo. Staff of the local congregation serve in private nursing homes.

In urgent cases at weekends (from Friday 3 pm to Monday 9 am) you can contact the on-duty hospital minister through the hospital and nursing home staff.

Pastoral work in hospitals (pdf)Linkki avautuu uudessa välilehdessä 


To contact our hospital chaplains in various institutions call the numbers below and ask the pastor on duty.


  • HYKS Jorvi Hospital tel. 09 4711
  • Espoo Hospital (health cetre in Jorvi) tel. 09 4711

Nursing Homes

  • Attendo Olarinpuisto tel. 044 494 4034, 044 494 3327
  • Aurorakoti tel. 050 3697 762
  • Espoonlahden hoivakoti tel. 046 877 2991, 046 877 2992
  • Kauklahden elä ja asu -seniorikeskus tel. 050 338 2512
  • Leppävaaran elä ja asu -seniorikeskus tel. 046 877 3755
  • Rinnekoti tel. 020 6385511
  • Taavin muistipalvelukeskus tel. 09 8164 7880
  • Viherlaakson muistipalvelukeskus tel. 09 816347 61, 09 816347 62
Sairaalapappi keskustelemassa hoivakeskuksen asiakkaan kanssa.

Ota yhteyttä

Sairaalapastori, työnohjaaja, psykoterapeutti, HUS Jorvin sairaala
Espoon seurakuntayhtymä
Sairaalasielunhoito Yhteinen seurakuntatyö
09 4711 (vaihde)
Kirkkokatu 1 / PL 200
02771 Espoo

Johtava sairaalapastori, työnohjaaja, konsultti, Espoon sairaala
Espoon seurakuntayhtymä
Sairaalasielunhoito Yhteinen seurakuntatyö
09 8050 2238
Kirkkokatu 1 / PL 200
02771 Espoo
Sairaalapastori, työnohjaaja, Rinnekodit Espoossa
Espoon seurakuntayhtymä
Sairaalasielunhoito Yhteinen seurakuntatyö
Kirkkokatu 1, PL 200
02771 Espoo
Sairaalapastori, työnohjaaja, Auroranmäki, Attendo Olarinpuisto, Leppävaaran elä ja asu -seniorikeskus
Espoon seurakuntayhtymä
Yhteinen seurakuntatyö Sairaalasielunhoito
Kirkkokatu 1 / PL 200
02771 Espoo