EvästeetLinkki avautuu uudessa välilehdessä
Evästeiden avulla tarjoamme parempaa käyttökokemusta. Omat, välttämättömät evästeemme kontrolloivat sivuston toimivuutta ja käytettävyyttä.
Käytämme sivustolla upotuksia sosiaalisesta mediasta, kuten videoita ja sisältöjä. Nämä sisällöt saattavat sisältää käyttäjiä henkilöiviä evästeitä. Nähdäksesi nämä sisällöt sivustollamme hyväksy evästeet.
EvästeetLinkki avautuu uudessa välilehdessä
We financially support music projects that enrich and develop the spiritual music life in Espoo. The principles and criteria for support and the documents needed for application are available from the link below. In 2025, we hope to see applications in particular from music makers under the age of 30.
Grants are predominantly in the range of 1,000 to 4,000 €.
The deadline for applications is 28 February 2025. Recipients must report on the use of the grant by 30 June 2026 or before applying for another grant.
Espoo Parish Union
Registry office
P.O. Box 200
FI-02771 Espoo, Finland
or by email to: kirjaamo.espoo@evl.fi
On the envelope or in the email heading, write: “Grant for spiritual music project”.
For more information, contact Eero Jokela, Head of Ecclesiastic Work, Church in Espoo, phone: +358 9 8050 2590. Email: eero.jokela@evl.fi
The Espoo Parish Union award grants for spiritual music projects that enrich and develop the spiritual music work in Espoo:
· We support both concerts and other musical projects.
· We support all kinds of spiritual music ranging from ancient church music to the newest forms of spiritual music.
· We value innovation and networking.
· We value multicultural and educational content.
· We do not usually award grants to support travel, outfits or equipment (e.g. choir robes and musical instruments), production of sound recordings, or compositions.
· We give support primarily to individual applicants from Espoo or to groups predominantly made up of people from Espoo.
· Musicians who receive other funding from the Espoo parishes’ budget are not eligible.
If applying for a grant regarding a project that will take place in Espoo parish premises, there must be a preliminary agreement with the parish in question. A grant does not automatically entitle the recipient to the use of parish premises.
The recipient commits to report on their activities.
· a more detailed report on the content of the project (including a financial plan and timetable)
· the applicant's contact details
· the applicant’s bank details
In the case of associations, we also ask for
· information on the applicant’s members and their place of residence
· an operating plan and a financial plan for the grant year
· the most recent annual report and financial statements