EvästeetLinkki avautuu uudessa välilehdessä
Here you can find information on Olari parish’s activities for 1-7-graders. We try to update this pages regularly so the information here would be on point.
You should follow us on Instagram and Facebook (username OlariLurppa) for the most on time information about all the activities.
The program in our event is Finnish but there are almos allways staff that can also speak English.
We run different kind of clubs for 1-6-graders in the Olari parish area. Depending on the time there may be clubs for sports, cooking, arts, acting and more. Clubs are held once every week (excluding school holidays) Clubs are directed by trained club leaders with the help of supervising adults. There is no participation fee in the clubs. All the information about the clubs that are currently on can be found here and we will ad more clubs as soon as we can confirm them. If you are interested to join some of our clubs you can contact Timo Kekkonen.
Clubs will start if we get enough registerations. We will inform you about the situation.
If you have any questions about clubs please contact Timo Kekkonen
Crafts and Play Club for Grades 1-3 at Olarin Kappeli on Mondays from 17:00 to 18:00
Cooking Club for Grades 4-7 at Matinkappeli on Tuesdays from 18:00 to 19:30.
Cooking Club for Grades 1-3 at Matinkappeli on Wednesdays from 18:00 to 19:30.
CacaoClub for 2-6-graders at Olari Church on Tuesdays from 14-16 starts on 13.8. The club is freen and open so no need to register. Games, crafts, help with homework. Small snacks and hot chocolate for the kids.
Music Club and Choir Satakielet for elementary school children on Thursdays from 18:00 to 18:45 at Matinkappeli. More information and registeration to Päivi Hakomäki 040 531 1024 / paivi.hakomaki@evl.fi
Olari parish organizes different kind of camps all year long. Camps are held at our Camp Centers and they are usually they last for the weekend. . Camps daily program includes indoor and outdoor activities, arts and crafts, games, good food, prayers and fun times together. Day camps are similar to the overnight camps but they are held at Olarin kappeli during day times. If you want to participate in some of our camps you can register in them using the link at the corresponding camps information.
31.1.-2.2. Winter Camp for 1-7-graders at Hvittorp, 35€
2.-6.6. Day Camp for kids born in 2015-2017 at Matinkappeli, 70€ registration is 1.-28.2.
CacaoClub for 2-6-graders at Olari Church on Tuesdays from 14-16 starts on 7.1.. The club is freen and open so no need to register. Games, crafts, help with homework. Small snacks and hot chocolate for the kids.
Chapple is an Olari Parish’s place in Iso Omena.
Chapple is open for everyone on every weekday from 9.30-20 (sometimes during the weekends).
During evening times (14-20) we have one room open for only the youth (people under 20)
You can come and do your homework, have a snack, play games or just have a good time.
There is always at least one youth worker present. You can find many activities in the Chapple.
There are a lots of board games, ps4 and Switch consoles, pool table and more.
If you have any questions or want to learn more about our work please contact us.
Timo Kekkonen
050 364 8983
Chapple, Iso Omena Piispansilta 11 02230 ESPOO
Matinkappeli, Liisankuja 3 02230 ESPOO
Olarin kirkko, Rälssitilankuja 1
Olarin kappeli, Kuunkehrä 4 02210 ESPOO
EvästeetLinkki avautuu uudessa välilehdessä