A warm welcome to the Espoo International Lutheran Church! 

The six Evangelical Lutheran parishes of Espoo offer worship, church ceremonies, family clubs, Sunday school, baptism and confirmation classes for youth and adults, summer camps, and various other activities in English and other languages. We provide pastoral care and counselling for individuals and families. In hospitals, our chaplains serve patients, relatives, and staff. Our university chaplains support students and staff on campuses. Family counsellors help couples and families with relational challenges. 

A family away from home

There are four international Lutheran worship communities in Espoo, located in Matinkylä, Suvela,  Tapiola, and Karakallio. We offer worship services, fellowship and community, and various activities for all ages. Our services and activities use both English and Finnish. We welcome people from all cultural, religious, and language backgrounds. Our aim is to build bridges between immigrants and native Finns. 

Learn more about us and our activities 

International Lutheran Church in the Capital Region

Congregations speaking Arabic, English, Estonian, Chinese, Hungarian, and Russian meet regularly in Espoo, Helsinki, and Vantaa. They offer a wide range of activities under the umbrella of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. 

Read the latest news 

Contact details

Monikulttuurisuustyön asiantuntija
Espoon seurakuntayhtymä
Monikulttuurisuustyö Yhteinen seurakuntatyö
09 8050 2512
Kirkkokatu 1 / PL 200
02771 Espoo

Monikielinen seurakuntatyö, kansainvälinen toiminta, maahan muuttaneet, ekumeeninen toiminta, lähetystyö, kansainvälinen diakonia, uskontodialogi, ystävyysseurakunnat, sateenkaaritoiminta. 

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