A young tree with tapering leaves grows on the plains in Africa. The sun shines straight into the camera through the branches.
Image: Eija Harju, The Evangelical Lutheran Parishes of Espoo

We will plant a tree for every baby born in Espoo

Every child is a gift, and the Evangelical Lutheran Parishes of Espoo gives local babies a special gift. Starting in 2023, we have been planting saplings for them in Tanzania. You can follow the planting and growth of the trees on this website.

News from Tanzania, Morogoro

Suomeksi: Puita lapsilleLinkki avautuu uudessa välilehdessä

På svenska: Träd för barnenLinkki avautuu uudessa välilehdessä

Two Tanzanian children smile holding tree saplings. The landscape is green after rain.
Image: Virve Rissanen, Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission

Trees for children 

We will celebrate International Day of Forests on 21 March by planting trees for children in Espoo and the world. For what could be a more powerful act of love and hope than planting a tree for a newborn?

The Trees for children project is part of the international responsibility of the Evangelical Lutheran Parishes of Espoo. In 2023, the Espoo Parish Union granted the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission an appropriation of EUR 40,000 for planting trees in Tanzania. This cooperation will also be continuing in the years to come.

The tree saplings planted now are devoted to all children born in Espoo in 2023. Every newborn is equally valuable and unique. Our wish is that children near and far can have a good future.

Press release: Tree for every newborn in Espoo: The Evangelical Lutheran Parishes of Espoo plants trees in TanzaniaLinkki avautuu uudessa välilehdessä (14 March, 2024)

A Tanzanian child holds a string next to a sapling, and an adult measures the place for the next sapling.
Image: Virve Rissanen, Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission
A group of young Tanzanians wearing garden gloves, holding tree saplings in hands.
Image: Yona Kitu, the Diocese of Morogoro

Thousands of tree saplings are planted in Tanzania

Planting trees is a beautiful symbolic gesture. In order to grow tall, a tree sapling needs the right kind of soil and care: water, nutrients and light. As the tree grows, it makes new shoots and extends its roots deeper and deeper. In time, it may produce fruit, nuts or cones as per its species.

Actual trees are planted in Tanzania for babies in Espoo. The Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission plants the saplings together with the Diocese of Morogoro. The Diocese of Morogoro, famous for its active environmental work, is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT).

The work is already in full swing. In the Morogoro region, Tanzania, there will soon grow at least two hectares of forest for children in Espoo. The Ebenezer Secondary School has already planted 4,500 tree saplings, which the pupils water during the dry season. In addition to these, thousands of trees will be planted in the courtyards of homes, providing shelter and edible fruit.

The Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission has been involved in environmental work in Tanzania for a long time.

A smiling woman stands next to a broad-leafed tree.
Image: Virve Rissanen, Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission

Why is planting trees important?

In Tanzania, climate change has had a major impact on people's lives. Planting trees brings them many joys and benefits.

  • Trees increase rainfall that is vital for humans and animals.
  • Planting trees reduces deforestation and soil erosion.
  • People say the air is fresh to breathe when there are trees around them. 
  • Trees make it less windy. 
  • In areas with trees, there is less dirt and dust in the air.
  • Trees provide protection from the scorching sun.
  • Planting trees facilitates access to farming and income generation.
  • When fruit trees give crops, it means healthy food.
  • Some tree nuts provide butter that can be used for making lotions.
  • It is possible to keep bees under the protection of the trees.

Press release: Tree for every newborn in Espoo: The Evangelical Lutheran Parishes of Espoo plants trees in Tanzania 14.3.2024 

Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission websiteLinkki avautuu uudessa välilehdessä

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Want to know what is being done in Tanzania in practice? Read the latest news.