
Marriage is a gift and a task given by God. The sanctity of marriage arises from the realization that God instituted the bond between man and woman at Creation. Therefore man and woman come before the face of God with family and friends present to confess that they have received the gift of love that God has given them in each other, to affirm their commitment to one another in love and faithfulness and to pray for blessing, strength and guidance in their life together.

A wedding is one of the greatest festive occasion in life. A church wedding is a community celebration as well as a sacred rite of the church. In Finland, a pastor can legally act as a marriage officer so that a church wedding is also a ceremony to unite a couple in marriage according to national law. However, a Lutheran church wedding can also be held to consecrate a marriage that has already been legalized in a civil ceremony or to bless a marriage into which the couple has entered in a religious rite different from the one used by the Lutheran church.
Wedding by the sea.